If you're in Michigan and you're reading this on Saturday afternoon, you are NOT here. Why? You're missing one helluva gig! Senator Carl Levin gets us fired up and ready to take on the war machine in the Sentate. At the Blogger Caucus, Emptywheel demonstrates her ability to talk as rapidly with her hands as she live blogs from the Libby trial media room at Prettyman Courthouse. And look who else made it to Michigan -- Brian Keeler, a.k.a. NYBri, here to talke about Blue Tiger Dems and The Albany Project. Wow, two DailyKos rockstars here in one room! (Um, Emptywheel is still talking with her smokin' live blogging technique.) And Senator Stabenow launches this bash with a collection of some of the finest Democrats this country has taking the stage with her, including Rep. Sander Levin, Rep. John Conyers, and Rep. John Dingell. Wow. Critical mass of progressive brain power here.
Looking for my dharma in spite of the weather